
With winter winding down and warmer weather on the horizon, it's time for your furnace to take a much-needed vacation. To ensure it’s ready to go once fall rolls back around, tackle a few basic heating system maintenance tasks. Here’s a closer look at your furnace’s to-do list.

3 Late-Winter Heating System Maintenance Tips

1. Replace the Filter

The HVAC filter cleans the air cycling through your house all year, whether your furnace or air conditioner is running. A dirty filter obstructs airflow and puts extra wear and tear on the blower. It also prevents treated air from circulating through the house efficiently, so occupants won't feel as comfortable.

heating system in Cincinnati, OHChange the filter before springtime, and your system will be ready for AC. For the best results, replace it near the start of every season—or once a month if your household contains longhaired pets or smokers.

2. Schedule an Inspection

During a heating system inspection, a technician will clean the blower, oil the motor, tighten belts, and take any proactive steps needed to keep the system running smoothly. This ensures you won't suffer any breakdowns when you start up the furnace late this year as well as helping the system last longer and run more fuel-efficiently.

3. Clean Your Ducts

Dust accumulates in your air ducts. During the winter, when your doors stay closed more often, this dust can recycle endlessly back into your indoor air. Not only does this result in itching, sneezing, and respiratory difficulty, but it clogs the vents and prevents warm air from circulating. Have your ducts cleaned to improve indoor air quality and comfort, and at the very least, make sure your vents aren't clogged and disrupting airflow.


To get your heating system ready for its vacation, contact Anderson Automatic Heating & Cooling, a trusted HVAC contractor in Cincinnati, OH. They’re fully licensed and bonded and have served the region since 1929. In addition to furnace repair and maintenance, they also offer AC repair and air quality inspections. Check out their website to read client testimonials or call (513) 574-0005 to schedule a professional heating system maintenance appointment. 
