
If you’re new to the world of fitness, deciding where to start can feel overwhelming. The good news is that you can begin with small steps, and you certainly don’t have to work on becoming an advanced athlete overnight. Here are some tips for easing into a workout regimen you can maintain to establish the results you want.

3 Strategies for Starting a Fitness Journey

1. Define Your Motivation

Something prompted you to seek a healthier lifestyle, and putting your goals into words can help you stay on track. Perhaps you’re setting out to lose weight, feel better, or achieve a personal goal, such as running a marathon. No matter your reason, defining it will give you a foundation to fall back on if you start to falter.  

2. Set Actionable Goals

fitnessIf you don’t have clear goals, you won’t be able to tell whether you’re on the path towards achieving them. For this reason, try to break your big reason down into realistic milestones. For instance, if your main objective is to simply feel better, aiming to work out three days per week for a month may be a good place to start.

3. Get Inspired

There may be days where you feel less passionate about your fitness goals than others. Fortunately, you can create your own motivation. For instance, make a vision board with images that depict the lifestyle you want to achieve by working out. Create new playlists for your gym sessions or workouts regularly. And, consider working towards rewards for completed goals, such as new athleticwear. 



No matter where you’re at in your fitness journey, the team from IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health is there for support. With services such as treatment for sports injuries and functional nutrition coaching, their Honolulu-based team will help you take a well-rounded approach to health. Find out more about how their services can help you take control of your wellness by visiting their website, or call (808) 521-8170 to schedule an appointment.
