
Cooking fresh beef cuts to perfection should enhance the uniqueness of each piece while providing a safe and delicious meal. Here is some insight into grilling steaks to help you master this impressive method.


Choose fresh beef cuts.

Head to a local butcher shop to purchase high-grade beef with even marbling, or thin fat sections on the interior. Ask about the freshest T-bones, prime rib, sirloin or filet mignon; these pieces are excellent for grilling because they are thick. You can find beef that fits every budget, so look for a selection that works for your needs.

Ready the meat.

If you take beef out of the freezer and put it over an open flame without first thawing it, you’ll likely burn the exterior and leave the inside raw. Instead, set the steak in a safe place like on a plate on top of the fridge where no pets or little ones can play with it. Leave the meat to warm for 30 minutes to an hour prior to grilling, so it reaches room temperature. You may also marinate the cuts overnight with tasty ingredients like herbs, barbecue sauce, or butter.


Skip preparing the grill.

fresh beef cutsSome people prefer charcoal for the smokey flavor, while others like wood to naturally enhance the taste of the meat. Light the coals or wood in a chimney starter to encourage high heat and flame. Use a stiff wire brush to remove any leftover food or debris from the grill to avoid mixing flavors or burning the fresh beef cuts. Then, pour the charcoal into the grill and spread it out to create warm, medium, and hot areas for the most efficient cooking.

Cook past your desired doneness.

Set the steak on the grill directly over the charcoal that is glowing but not on fire. If the cuts feature thinner parts, arrange those over less-hot coals or those that have greyed and are no longer glowing. Use tongs to flip the steaks when you can press a finger against the top and tell that it’s done. Rare steaks will have a lot of give, while well-done meats won’t move much.

Once the meat is five degrees from the desired temperature, take it off the heat and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. This lull will ensure the meat reaches the perfect doneness while remaining juicy and tender.


If you’re looking for mouth-watering, high-quality beef to try out these tips, contact Corcoran Farm Freezer Beef in Ross County, OH. The Certified Angus Beef® Feedlot partner raises beef healthy for you and offers affordable freezer beef. Call the Chillicothe-area company at (740) 253-0138 or visit the website for information on their top-notch beef—from brisket and chuck steak to short plates and sirloin.
