
Although you hope never to need bed bug treatment, it’s necessary sometimes. That’s why you need to know when your bed frame or mattress might be infested with them. The sooner you get rid of them, the better you can enjoy good health and cleanliness. Since bed bugs are tiny, flat, and sometimes hard to spot, keep in mind some specific signs that you might need to call pest control for them. 

4 Indications That You Need Bed Bug Treatment 

1. Blood Stains 

Since bed bugs survive solely on human and animal blood, they come out at night to consume yours while you sleep. As a result, you may find small blood stains on your pillow or bedding. They’ll likely appear similar to spots of reddish-brown rust. If you see these spots, contact a professional for bed bug inspection right away. 

2. Skin Welts 

bed bug treatmentEven if you don’t notice any blood on your bed, it’s difficult to escape the sensation of itchy red welts on your skin. Bites from bed bugs look like groups of tiny red spots or zigzagging lines, and they cause your skin to become swollen and irritated. Sometimes, they create blisters as well. In cases of allergic reactions, they provoke outbreaks of hives. Bed bugs are most likely to focus on whatever skin is already exposed, so you’ll most commonly find bites on your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, and face.  

3. Foul Smell 

Bed bugs have scent glands that produce an unpleasant wet and musty odor. If you start smelling mold around your home, but there’s no excessive moisture or actual signs of growth, then it might be time for a bed bug treatment. 

4. Items Left Behind 

Although bed bugs are good at hiding, they don’t know anything about cleaning up their tracks. Look for eggshells, discarded molted skins, and tiny feces in or near the nooks, cracks, and crevices where the bed bugs could be living. This would include the coil springs, folds and seams of the mattress, cracks or hollow spaces of the bedpost, headboard, and railings, every narrow space between the mattress and frame, and even within the folds and creases of your bedding. They may also hide behind wallpaper, upholstery, baseboards, and the spaces underneath or between furniture cushions. If you find evidence of their presence, get bed bug treatment right away, because it’s likely that you’re dealing with an infestation. 


Since you must get thorough and reliable bed bug treatment, contact AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal in Lewisburg, OH, if you notice any of these signs. With more than three decades of experience in providing quality pest control and excellent customer service, they guarantee that you can start sleeping restfully again soon. On top of liberating your home from bed bugs by chemical sprays or Heat treatments, they also offer termite treatment, rodent control, and other services to keep your environment clean. Schedule a visit today by calling (937) 884-5646 or messaging them online. 
