
Your water heater provides warm, clean water for your shower, dishwasher, washing machine, and other appliances. To ensure your heater functions effectively for many years, it’s essential to check the anode rod and replace it when necessary regularly. Here’s what every homeowner should know about inspecting a water heater’s anode rod.

What Is an Anode Rod? 

water heaterAn anode rod extends your water heater’s lifespan by protecting it from rust and corrosion. Secured to the top of the water heater, the anode rod is a steel core wire surrounded by a reactive metal (aluminum, magnesium, or zinc). When the water heater tank fills with water, the rod succumbs to corrosion in a process called electrolysis. During electrolysis, the more reactive metal (aluminum, magnesium, or zinc) in the anode rod corrodes, while the less reactive metal (steel) in the water heater is protected. 

What Should I Look for When Checking the Anode Rod?

Since the anode rod is designed to corrode, it will eventually corrode ultimately, causing your water heater to rust and eventually burst. That’s why it’s essential to inspect the rod about every three years and replace it when necessary. The rod should always look a bit destroyed, as that means it’s doing its job. However, if you can see 6 inches of the steel core wire beneath the rod, or if the rod consists entirely of steel core wire, it’s time to replace it. 

How Can I Extend the Anode Rod’s Lifespan?

Most anode rods last between three and five years. To ensure your rod lasts as long as possible, make sure it’s made of a material that’s compatible with your water type. Aluminum rods are ideal for withstanding hard water, while magnesium rods work best with softer water. Since a zinc rod consists primarily of aluminum (with a small amount of zinc to combat sulfur smells), it too can handle harder water, though not as well as a purely aluminum rod.


To keep your water heater in excellent condition, turn to the team at Rick Ogden Heating & Air Conditioning. Based in Loveland, OH, these trusted HVAC contractors have been installing and servicing water heaters throughout the Tri-State area since 1982. They also work with a variety of other units, including boilers, gas furnaces, heat pumps, and air conditioning systems. Learn more about their comprehensive services online, and call (513) 683-3714 to schedule an appointment today. 
