
The importance of dental health and hygiene should never be understated. That’s why the family dentists at Oahu Dental Care encourage you to schedule routine dental cleanings and check-ups throughout the year. Not only do these visits keep your teeth clean, but they also help you avoid cavities.

If you’ve had limited experience with cavities and are unsure about how they develop and are treated, here are three answers to common questions about them:

  • How Do You Get Cavities? Cavities most often form as a result of poor oral hygiene. When you don’t floss or brush properly, bacteria, food particles, acid, and saliva form plaque that clings to your teeth and causes decay over time.
  • Can Cavities Be Prevented? Cavities can be prevented by practicing proper oral hygiene. That means flossing on a regular basis and thoroughly brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Frequent visits to your dentist for check-ups and teeth cleanings are also essential components in preventing cavities.
  • How Should Cavities Be Treated? While treatment often depends on how deep or damaging the cavity is, a dentist will usually remove the decay as the first course of action. From there, the cavity will be filled in with silver alloy, porcelain, or other materials like amalgam.

To have your cavity treated or to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and dentures, be sure to call Oahu Dental Care at (808) 732-2821. To find out more information about the services available at this family dental practice, you can also visit them online
