
As your heating and air conditioning system work hard to circulate air throughout your home and regulate the indoor temperature, dust and debris can accumulate in the ducts. Unfortunately, this can result in decreased airflow, interfering with your system’s ability to work efficiently as well as harming indoor air quality. Here are three signs your air ducts need to be professionally cleaned. 

Reasons to Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned

1. You’ve Just Completed a Renovation

During a renovation, you can kick up quite a bit of dust and debris, especially if you’re tearing down drywall, dealing with insulation, sanding woodwork, or painting using a sprayer. Consider having your ducts professionally cleaned after a renovation to protect your heating and air conditioning system.

2. Your HVAC Bills Are High 

heating and air conditioningDo you remember what your HVAC bills were when you moved into your home? If they’ve been steadily increasing over the years, it could be a sign that your system isn’t working as efficiently as it could be. Dust and grime are among the most likely culprits. In addition to having your thermostat calibrated and HVAC components looked at, cleaning the ductwork may lower those bills back to a comfortable level.

3. Dust Seems to Accumulate Easily

If you feel like you’re always dusting, it could be a sign that your indoor air isn’t circulating properly. This can occur if the air filter isn’t replaced regularly since it could allow particulates to move deeper into your system. Once per season is the recommended schedule for a new filter in most households.

When dust has gathered inside of your ducts, however, it may be blown through your home whenever your system switches on. Pay attention to how frequently you dust your home and request a professional cleaning if it seems a little too often. 


Whether you need to have your HVAC ducts cleaned or you have other worries about your heating and air conditioning, the team at Service Air Eastern Shore, Inc. will help. With more than 25 years of experience, these professionals can perform repairs or installations as well as water heater service and duct cleaning throughout the Fairhope, AL, area. To learn more about how they can help, visit their website or give their office a call at (251) 990-8060.
