If you are living in a rural area, you probably don’t have access to city sewage systems. More than likely, your home is using a septic system, consisting of an inground tank and a drain field line that extends away from your house. It is important that you maintain a healthy septic system and avoid the expensive and unpleasant consequences of having your septic system fail. Below, learn the important do’s and don’ts of caring for your system. 


Have your septic system inspected regularly.

Regular septic tank maintenance can keep your septic system running longer. Contact a certified professional to inspect your system and pump or clean it as needed.

Use less water to increase your septic system life.

A septic system relies on positive bacteria to maintain a balance inside the tank. This bacteria can, unfortunately, be lost if too much water runs through your system on a regular basis. Dishwashers and washing machines running constantly can push too much water, soap, and chemicals into your tank, upsetting the balance.

Direct property runoff away from the drain field.

Another key to success is keeping control of your water runoff. The drain field is where the wastewater eventually filters out of the septic system. If rainwater runoff collects in your drain field, your septic tank can back up.


Flush anything besides toilet paper.

imageIf it is not toilet paper, dispose of it in the trash and not down the drain. Anything solid or non-water-soluble can clog drain lines and will build up in your septic tank. This includes chemicals and medications, as they can cause chemical reactions and kill the good bacteria in your tank. Avoid flushing sanitary products and kitty litter, as well. 

Use a garbage disposal.

Food solids and grease will quickly build up in your tank and can choke out your drain field. This can lead to tank backups and the need for emergency septic tank service. Avoid using a garbage disposal to degrade certain foods, and avoid throwing bones, eggshells, and oil down the drain. 

Park your vehicles on your septic tank and drain field.

The ground is only as solid as what lies beneath. Parking vehicles over a tank can crack it and cause collapses, and parking over the drain lines can cause them to rupture.


When using a septic system, regular maintenance is crucial, but any septic system can only last so long before it needs more extensive service or even a replacement. If you live around Byhalia, MS, you can trust A & J Nichols Septic Tank Co to take care of you. With over fifty years in the business, they know the ins and outs of septic systems. Call them at (662) 838-2945 or visit their website to find out more information.
