
Physical therapy is meant to improve your body’s functionality. However, a bonus benefit to healing your body is that you boost your mental health as well. It can take time to overcome your medical conditions or sports injuries with therapy, but when you do, you’ll notice the way that your mood, alertness, and general outlook change, too. Below, learn the advantages that physical therapy can give your mind. 

3 Benefits of Physical Therapy for Your Mental Health 

1. Combats Depression & Anxiety 

Physical therapy releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which are hormones that are known for making you feel happy. Since people with clinical depression and anxiety often struggle with low levels of these hormones, exercising the body helps them produce more. Not only that, but it actively reduces cortisol and adrenaline, which tend to cause sensations of stress. In general, feeling physically healthy can protect you from developing mental health issues. As a result, they can more effectively lessen or mitigate the effects and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. 

2. Improves Energy & Mental Clarity 

physical therapyThe exercises that you do with your physical therapists increase blood flow to the brain. Consequently, your brain receives more oxygen, boosting your memory and cognitive functions so that you think and perform better. Additionally, exercise helps you sleep better, and physical rehabilitation specifically aims at reducing your pain and discomfort, which naturally improves your quality of sleep. In turn, your mind is liberated from fatigue, further promoting your mental clarity. 

3. Supports Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem 

Being successful at physical therapy requires courage and self-discipline. When you see and feel the positive results, you may feel a surge of pride in yourself. As a result, it’s easier to develop healthy self-esteem, which seeps into your interactions with other people, helping you become more positive. It also aids you in gaining the confidence and willpower to do well in other areas of your life, whether you’re trying to excel in school, move up at work, or finish a passion project.  

To enjoy all the mental health benefits of physical therapy, go to Snyder Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation in Lincoln, NE. In addition to exercise, they offer therapeutic massages, electrical stimulation, and other methods for improving your body’s functionality. With nearly three decades of providing personalized, compassionate, and innovative rehabilitation treatment plans for their patients, they’ll ensure that both your body and mind heal. Make an appointment today by calling (402) 489-1999 or messaging them online
