
When your teenager is a physically active high school athlete, it’s natural to worry about the aches and pains they experience related to practice and participating in games. With this in mind, parents should consider chiropractic care. If you’re debating whether your young athlete is a candidate for holistic, noninvasive adjustments, here are a few benefits they’ll enjoy by visiting a chiropractor. 

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for High School Athletes

1. Injury Prevention

With intense fitness regimens and constant development taking place in tandem, it’s important for high school athletes to take measures to avoid injury. Beyond stretching and conditioning, chiropractic care can promote alignment, boost coordination, and help with total body awareness to reduce the risk of getting hurt. 

2. Pain Relief

Chiropractic CareIt’s common for athletes to experience neck and back pain related to exerting their bodies on a regular basis. Chiropractic care can restore function, promote spinal alignment, and help achieve a balance in the nervous system, which reduces discomfort in the back and neck. 

3. Healing

Soft tissue injuries such as whiplash, pulled tendons, or sprained muscles can sideline a student-athlete for weeks at a time. Studies have found spinal manipulations and chiropractic care coupled with physical therapy and massage can promote healing, increase flexibility, and improve range of motion on a faster timetable. 

4. Promotes Sleep & Relaxation

When balancing school, sports, and a social life, it can be challenging for a teenager to stay relaxed and enjoy healthy sleep patterns. Chiropractic care can encourage relaxation, minimize joint pain, and reduce headaches so your young athlete can sleep soundly and stay energized throughout the day. 



Are you looking for effective chiropractic care for the high school athlete in your family? If so, Stoiber Chiropractic will provide personalized, hands-on treatments catered to their unique needs. Led by Dr. Patrick G. Stoiber and Dr. Victoria A. Zueger—who have over 30 years of combined experience—residents throughout Wisconsin Rapids, WI, depend on this clinic for effective treatment. To schedule an appointment, call (715) 424-8000. For more information on their services, visit their website.  
