
Brushing your teeth helps remove plaque that could calcify into hardened tartar, which is why dentists across the globe recommend brushing carefully twice a day. However, when people brush too aggressively, your daily dental cleaning could harm your teeth more than it helps. Here is a little more information about how aggressive tooth brushing can harm your smile, and how to change your ways.

Understanding The Dangers of Aggressive Brushing

What Happens When You Brush Too Hard?

The enamel on the surfaces of your teeth is what gives teeth their shiny, white appearance. Unfortunately, if you are brushing your teeth too aggressively, it can wear away enamel, causing tooth sensitivity and allowing yellow dentin to show through.

dentistBrushing aggressively can also put you at a higher risk for issues like tooth concussions and oral abrasions, since it is possible for your toothbrush to slip as you brush your teeth, putting the surrounding teeth and oral tissues at risk. 

How Can You Avoid Aggressive Brushing? 

While it can be hard to break an aggressive brushing habit, there are several ways to focus on brushing gently. Some dentists recommend holding your toothbrush like you would hold a pencil, instead of gripping it tightly like a golf club.

You may also find relief by switching to a power toothbrush with pressure sensor controls. These special sensors are designed to stop the rotation of your toothbrush or shine a light if you are brushing too aggressively, helping you to learn better behavior. 



If you suspect that you are a hard brusher, don’t hesitate to reach out to the professionals at Philmont Family Dentistry. In addition to helping you to repair damage caused by aggressive brushing, these experienced dental professionals can help with teeth cleaning and oral exams to full smile reconstruction. To find out more about how they can help, visit their website or give their office a call at (518) 672-4077.
