
An electrically operated pool pump recirculates water from the pool. Water is forced through the filter, making it safe and clean to swim in. If you’re running your pump often, it could be subject to wear and tear from debris, sludge, or overwork. Use the below tips to prolong the life of your pool pump.

How to Extend Your Pool Motor’s Life Span

1. Clean Basket

The strainer basket catches debris, including leaves and twigs, and places it inside. Conduct regular maintenance by cleaning it out every week if the pool was built outdoors. Decreased water flow from the basket to the water if likely due to this overflowing. During spring and fall, when trees shed leaves and pollen, clean it more frequently. 

2. Extra Priming

pool pumpPriming means filling the pool pump with water. Although most in-ground pools have a self-priming feature, it doesn’t mean you should neglect filling it yourself because the water levels in the pump could fall too low. Never allow the intake to run dry, as the pump won’t be able to circulate water. Make sure water levels are high enough so that it can enter the skimmer opening.

3. Right Size

Pool pumps come in many shapes and sizes due to the size and amount of water used to fill the pool. It’s more of an issue if the pool motor is too small, rather than too large. If it’s too small, the pump will have a hard time circulating enough water and applying the right pressure. Contact a specialist to ensure the correct size is installed rather than doing so yourself.

4. Keel Cool

If there isn’t enough air circulated in the pool motor, it could overheat and break down. Ensure you don’t install it near something that could block airflow, like large plants or shrubbery. Never place a pool pump directly in the sun. If this can’t be avoided, place large parasols over them to keep it cool.


If your pool pump is malfunctioning, or you need a new one installed, contact A-1 Electric Motor Service. Since 1961, this family-owned and operated company has provided electrical motor solutions to Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, and the entire Tri-State area. They repair AC/DC motors and have winding, welding, and balancing services. Visit their website
