
There are numerous traffic laws to follow whenever you get behind the wheel of a car, but one of the most basic rules of the road is not to speed. Going faster than the posted speed limit not only puts yourself and others in danger, but it can also be costly. If you’re pulled over and cited, you’ll be faced with a hefty fine, and it’s likely your auto insurance rates will rise. As such, it’s important to your physical and financial well-being to drive safely and avoid getting a ticket. Here are a few tips that can help you maintain a clean record.

How to Reduce Your Risk of a Speeding Ticket

1. Don’t Attract Attention

Aside from increasing your chances of an accident, driving aggressively, tailgating, and changing lanes frequently can easily attract the attention of any police officers that happen to be nearby. If you don’t want to be stopped for speeding and potentially have your auto insurance premiums go up, it’s better to blend in with the flow of traffic and remain a courteous driver.

2. Give Yourself Extra Time 

auto insuranceOne of the leading causes of speeding is failing to plan ahead. Drivers are often in a rush to reach their next destination and end up exceeding the posted limit in an effort to avoid being late. By leaving earlier and giving yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go, you can relax and focus on being safe and ticket-free.

3. Stay Out of the Fast Lane

When driving on the highway, it’s wisest to stay in the middle lanes and use the fast lane just for passing when necessary. Those who travel in the far left lane tend to speed up to pass everyone else, and this is where officers generally aim their focus. If you’re in the middle, you’re more likely to keep pace with those going the speed limit and be able to resist going any faster.


Unfortunately, regardless of how cautiously you drive, there’s no way to prevent other motorists from speeding, and accidents can happen. Let the agents at Southern Insurance AL, LLC help ensure you have adequate auto insurance to protect you from all the risks of the road. They offer a variety of coverage solutions at competitive rates and have been providing the residents of Foley, AL, with high-quality, customized policies for more than 30 years. Call (251) 943-3340 to request a free auto insurance quote or visit them online to learn more about their services.
