
Mold is a common type of damage that you can find in your home or rental property. Mold spores are everywhere, and they only need a little water to grow into colonies. Some types are toxic, but all of them damage the surfaces they grow on. To avoid damage to your rental property, practice prevention and clean up any signs with the tips below.

Mold Prevention Tips

Buy an inexpensive hygrometer from your local hardware store to check the humidity in your home. The ideal indoor humidity is about 40% to 50%. If your humidity is higher than this, you may need to purchase a dehumidifier to dry out the air. You can also run your air conditioner or furnace more often; both naturally remove moisture from the air, making the environment less hospitable for mold.

rental propertyNext, look at the bathrooms, cellar, and kitchen which are all naturally damper than the rest of the home. You may need to apply extra sealant or caulk in these areas to help waterproof them. You should also look for leaking pipes, especially inside cupboards and walls where they might go unnoticed.

Cleaning Tips

If you find small areas of mold, scrub them away yourself using a mixture of one cup of bleach to a gallon of water. The bleach kills the colony, so it won't grow back. However, if you have mold in several places in the home, or if the affected area is larger than 10 square feet, the problem is more widespread. There are many spores in the air, and the mold has likely grown deep into the building material, so bleaching the surface won't help.

In these cases, ask your apartment rental company to hire a professional for mold removal, as they will use safety equipment and proper techniques to minimize the health risk.


If you own a rental property in Kalispell, MT, and surrounding areas, choose All Pro Flathead Property Management to handle the maintenance. For almost 40 years, they've managed both commercial and residential spaces and can help you find tenants. These licensed professionals value the community and provide individual attention to each client. Call (406) 755-1102 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
