
If an infected tooth is left untreated, an abscess can develop. A periapical abscess is essentially a pocket of pus that forms at the tip of the tooth’s root, whereas a periodontal abscess is one that forms in the bone adjacent to the infected tooth. Family dentists can attest that these areas will become increasingly more painful as it develops. If you know the earliest symptoms, though, you can seek treatment promptly. 

What Are the Warning Signs?

A severe toothache that persists is one of the earliest indicators of an abscess. As the infection worsens, the pain may radiate out toward the neck, ear, or jawbone.

Other symptoms include sensitivity to extreme temperatures, swollen cheeks, and tender lymph nodes under the jaw.

Should the abscess rupture, you may also experience a sudden rush of foul, salty fluid in your mouth followed by almost instantaneous relief. 

How Can a Family Dentist Help?

family dentistYour oral care provider will take a two-pronged approach to treatment. The first step is to incise the abscess to relieve the pressure that has built up. Depending on the severity of the condition, your dentist may place a small rubber drain in the wound to keep it open so it can continue draining as the swelling goes down. 

The second step is eliminating the infection that caused the problem in the first place. If the tooth can be saved, root canal treatment will allow your dentist to restore it. Otherwise, extraction will be necessary. If it turns out the infection has spread, your dentist may also prescribe antibiotics. 


If you think you might have a tooth abscess, turn to Blome Family Dentistry in Lincoln, NE. Their friendly team is equipped to diagnose and treat all kinds of oral health issues, from severe infections to TMJ disorders. With a commitment to putting patients first, they’re available after-hours for painful dental emergencies. To explore all the procedures they perform on-site, visit their website. To make an appointment with a family dentist, call (402) 483-7000. 
