
Dental fluorosis is a harmless cosmetic condition where lacy white streaks appear on teeth surfaces. This is caused by overexposure to fluoride, a natural mineral, before the permanent teeth erupt around eight years of age. However, they accompany a higher-than-average resistance to cavities. The guide below offers advice from a family dentist, for prevention and treatment.

Causes of Fluorosis

Most cases of fluorosis come from a combination of fluoridated water, taking chewable prescription supplements, and swallowing large amounts of toothpaste. Unmonitored ground or well water can also have high levels of fluoride from leaching soil and rocks.

Treatment Options

family dentistSince most cases of fluorosis are mild and completely harmless, usually treatment is not required. Your family dentist may suggest applying a topical paste or try teeth whitening to reduce the visibility of white patches. In extreme cases where teeth have been noticeably discolored, veneers or crowns may be placed over the teeth.

Fluorosis Prevention

Parental awareness is key to preventing fluorosis. Know your local water fluoride levels and get private water tested by your local health department. Levels should be 0.7 to 2 parts fluoride per million parts water (ppm).

If your water levels are below 0.7ppm, discuss with your family dentist the proper dosage for a supplement. If levels are higher than 2ppm, perform reverse osmosis or distillation water treatments or find an alternate source of drinking water for your young children.

Keep fluoride toothpaste out of reach of small children. When getting toothpaste for them, only give them a pea-size amount once they know how to spit after brushing.


Cooper Family Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ, provides gentle, friendly service for the entire family. They know how to keep children engaged and cooperative, and will make a careful plan to address all your concerns, needs, and wants for your smile. Call (480) 964-1000 to schedule a checkup. Learn more about their services online.