
Many individuals tend to stick with mild dishes and have a relatively low tolerance for spicy foods. Yet, there’s a whole world of delicious meals you could be missing out on due to a sensitive palate. If you’re interested in expanding your horizons, here are a few tactics you can try to make bold flavors more enjoyable.

3 Strategies for Eating Spicy Food

1. Take Your Time

It can be tempting to wolf down hot foods quickly, but this approach can backfire. Eating too fast can cause you to ingest more food than you usually would, increasing your body’s exposure to the heat. Capsaicin, in particular, can produce sensory burn and may make the body feel warmer than it is. This compound found in chili peppers should, therefore, be ingested slowly to control the effect.

2. Pair It With a Chilled Drink

If you’ve had something especially hot, you can find immediate relief in an ice-cold beverage. This will numb the soft tissue in your mouth, temporarily combatting the thermal effect. While water might be your first choice, you could also consider a glass of cold milk. Dairy aids in your ability to handle capsaicin and minimizes the burning, which occurs when the compound binds with the tongue’s receptors.

3. Ease In Slowly

There’s a broad spectrum of spicy foods to try, so don’t feel compelled to jump into the hottest dishes right away. Many types of international cuisine have recipes featuring varying degrees of heat. Start with small portions and milder dishes before graduating to hotter meals. You’ll build your tolerance over time, and will soon be able to enjoy the depth of spicy flavors.


If you’re seeking a place where you can try a variety of delectable, spicy foods, turn to Chengdu Taste | 滋味成都 in Honolulu, HI. Offering authentic Szechuan dining, their extensive menu features a variety of tasty dishes, including beef in chili sauce, fried chicken gristle with chili, and pork tripe with pickled chili. Browse through their menu online now or call (808) 589-1818 to reach a staff member.
