
Even though daily flossing is a crucial part of good dental care, more than 32% of all Americans admit that they never floss. Neglecting this important habit can lead to serious plaque buildup on the teeth and gums, tooth pain and sensitivity, and periodontal disease. Here are some of the signs that more routine flossing may be necessary.

How to Tell if You Need to Floss More

1. Your Gums Are Swollen or Inflamed

The value of floss is that it can easily access those hard-to-reach places along the gumline; a standard toothbrush simply can’t get into these tight crevices. Over time, plaque will accumulate along the gumline and release toxins that irritate the sensitive gum tissue, leading to serious gum disease. As a result, the gums will swell or redden, be tender to touch, or bleed during the course of regular brushing.

2. You Have Frequent Cavities

dental careIf your visits to your dental care provider consistently result in the news that new cavities are forming, a lack of routine flossing may be the cause. Just as plaque will gather on the gums, it will collect on teeth as well.

When sugars or starches in foods interact with plaque, they create acids that wear away tooth enamel and produce cavities. You might assume that the sides of the teeth are protected from the brunt of plaque, but these compact spaces are ideal spots for it to lodge. The best remedy is flossing.

3. You Notice Your Breath Is Worsening

When you overlook regular flossing, bits of food remain stuck between the teeth. And when you leave any food exposed to air for too long, it will start to decay—and with this comes foul odors.

Even swishing vigorously with an antiseptic mouthwash or similar dental care rinse won't be enough to dislodge stuck food particles; only floss is effective at accomplishing this goal.


Visit your dentist to treat any concerning symptoms like the ones above and to learn proper flossing technique. Nicholas J. Hurley D.D.S., P.A., treats patients throughout the Davidson County, NC, region. He and his team offer a wide range of general dental care services, including exams, cleanings, implants, veneers, and braces. Call (336) 476-1109 or visit their website to schedule an appointment.
