
Harsh winter weather and inclement conditions can take their toll on your trees. Fortunately, there are steps that all homeowners can take to prepare them for spring and ensure a vital growing season. Take your cue from this tree services checklist so that your yard looks it's very best come spring.

Your Spring Tree Services Checklist

1. Check Them First

It’s essential to take stock of the condition of the trees first so that you know which areas require more attention. Assess the appearance of the leaves and examine the structure and texture of the bark. If you see signs of damage, like yellowing, holes, spots, or other apparent problems, have a tree service technician assess the severity of the decay before you continue.

2. Apply Fresh Mulch

Cincinnati, OH tree servicesMulching is one of the most vital steps you can take to protect the soil and maintain the integrity of your trees. The substance helps lock in the crucial moisture trees require to thrive during the warmer seasons. Be sure to apply it to the base without piling it against the trunk, or you risk attracting unwanted pests. Mulch will also limit weed growth that might otherwise detract from your yard’s appearance.

3. Prune Dead Limbs

Pruning is essential to maintaining the excellent health of your trees. During your assessment, make a note of any dead or rotten pieces of wood that might threaten its overall health. Late winter is a great time to handle this task since it prepares them for an abundant spring growing season. Since there are fewer leaves, it’s much easier to determine where you need to make specific cuts.


Are you ready to prepare your yard for spring? Turn to Mike’s Tree Service in Cleves, OH. Proudly serving homeowners throughout Northern Kentucky, Greater Cincinnati, and Southeastern Indiana for 25 years, the company offers a variety of tree services. They can handle everything from tree trimming and stump removal to general tree care and emergency removal. Visit them online for information, or call them at (513) 353-0395 today to schedule an appointment.
