
Setting a workout routine early on will help you stick to a workout plan. When deciding what fitness classes to take and personal training sessions to sign up for, think about how many days a week that you can commit to training. From there, you’ll have a better idea of how long you need to work out during each gym visit to reach your goals. For help making these decisions, follow the guide below. 

How Many Days Should I Work Out? 

Whether you want to lose body fat, gain muscle mass, or maintain your general fitness level, these aspects should all be considered when deciding how many days to visit the gym. If you want to maintain fitness and burn calories, three days of cardiovascular exercise, such as jogging on the treadmill or using an elliptical machine, paired with two days of lifting weights or other strength training will help you achieve this goal. 

To dissolve body fat faster, plan to spend six days in the gym. Sign up for fitness classes two or three days a week that focus on resistance training. This will help develop lean muscle while keeping calorie intake low. The rest of the workout week should be committed to cardio exercises to speed up your metabolism and burn calories. If you want to develop muscle on a sleek frame, you’ll need at least three days a week of lifting weights to do so. To aid recovery, alternate which muscle groups you focus on each session.  

How Long Do I Work out For?

fitness classesIf you’ve just begun exercising, it could take a while to build stamina for longer workouts. To start, limit sessions and length of fitness classes to no more than half an hour. This way, you won’t run the risk of overexerting yourself and causing injuries. As you become stronger and able to execute each exercise with more ease, add a few more minutes to the session to push yourself. The intensity of the workout throughout each session should also be considered. If you are going at a slow or moderate pace, it’s possible to work out longer.    


Whether you want to shed pounds or build muscle, the personal trainers and instructors at Life & Elite Fitness in Snohomish, WA, are eager to help you achieve your goals. The gym offers one-on-one sessions focused on cardiovascular and muscular exercises as well as weight training, small group sessions with weight lifting and high-intensity interval training, and convenient online fitness classes for four, eight, and twelve-week programs. To learn more about gym membership opportunities, call (206) 450-0964, and see training details online. Get more tips to lead a healthier lifestyle on Facebook
