
If you were hurt at the hands of someone else, you’re entitled to seek damages. However, you shouldn't do so alone. While it's entirely possible to go up against a negligent or downright malicious party on your own, hiring a personal injury attorney is in the best interests of your case. Here are some of the most valuable assets your legal team will bring to the table.


In order to recover a payout, you’ll have to prove both liability and losses. And in order to prove liability, you’ll have to conduct a thorough investigation. As long as you turn to a reputable firm, your attorney should have the resources to track down eyewitnesses, consult relevant experts, and apply legal pressure as needed to obtain critical evidence. 


Navigating the personal injury claims process is anything but easy, and disputes will likely arise along the way. Thankfully, an experienced personal injury attorney will know how to resolve all of them. In fact, your lawyer will often be able to mitigate potential issues before they even arise.

personal injuryJust make sure to hire someone who has handled cases similar to yours, whether that means finding a firm that focuses on motor-vehicle collisions, medical malpractice, or slip-and-fall accidents.


Because both claims adjusters and personal injury attorneys are essentially professional negotiators, hiring a lawyer will allow you to level the playing field. For example, your attorney will not let the insurer manipulate you into jeopardizing your case by accepting blame.

Likewise, your lawyer will ensure you don't leave any money on the table. The claims adjuster might try to settle before reaching maximum medical improvement, but a strategic attorney won't let them “lock in” the damages until you’re sure of the full extent of your injuries. 


To start building your claim with help from a personal injury attorney, turn to McClure, Ramsay, Dickerson & Escoe, LLP. Their compassionate team is equipped to pursue arbitration, mediation, and litigation on behalf of injured, ill, and disabled parties. A proud fixture of the community, they've been serving clients throughout Stephens County, GA, for more than 110 years. To explore all their practice areas, visit their website. To request a consultation, call (706) 886-3178. 
