
When most people think of rodent removal, they picture rats or mice. However, groundhogs can also cause significant issues for your property. Even though most burrow systems only support a single groundhog, the damage they cause can still be quite extensive. Learn more about some common issues they create below, and call a rodent removal specialist as soon as possible.

How Much Damage Can Groundhogs Cause to Your Yard?

1. Burrows

The burrow is the most immediately noticeable sign of a groundhog, since its entrances will have large mounds of dirt surrounding a hole. These unsightly mounds can damage lawn equipment and pose tripping hazards if you aren’t careful. The underground burrow system can also result in unseen damage to your building foundation and tree roots.

2. Health Dangers

rodent removalThe risks of tripping over a dirt mound or falling into a collapsing tunnel aren't the only reasons to call a rodent removal specialist. Groundhogs are territorial, and they'll attack if they feel threatened. A groundhog bite can cause serious injury, especially if the animal responsible had rabies. Curious children and pets have the greatest risk for such incidents, so keep them inside or supervise them outdoors if you have a groundhog on your property.

3. Plant Damage

Groundhogs feed on plant life, which can spell disaster for your yard. Not only will they devour most of the plants in your garden, but they'll also gnaw on trees to care for their large incisors. This can strip the bark right off the lower part of the trunk, leaving trees exposed and vulnerable to insect infestations and disease.


If you need help getting rid of groundhogs, don’t hesitate to contact Urban Wildlife Control. Serving Roswell, GA, since 2003, this licensed and insured wildlife services provider offers safe and humane rodent removal, relocating the pests far away from your property. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (678) 493-7194.
