
If you’re missing natural teeth, your dentist will have options for restoring your smile. While bridges and implants are beneficial in many cases, you may prefer custom dentures instead. These prosthetics fit over your gums to provide natural-looking results. If you’re unsure of which option is best for your oral health, here are a few reasons why dentures may be the ideal choice.

4 Advantages of Dentures

1. Comfortable Chewing

Dentures are made with solid, durable synthetic materials that withstand high amounts of pressure. Modern adhesives also enable you to secure the appliance to your gums without causing sensitivity. These qualities will make it possible for you to bite and chew food with ease. You won’t have to worry about your teeth slipping out of place or a piece of food injuring your gums.  

2. Cosmetic Enhancement

denturesDentures are shaped and colored to match your natural smile, so it will be difficult for others to tell that you’re wearing a prosthetic in the first place. The appliance also preserves your facial structure, helping you avoid a frowning or wrinkled mouth that could make you appear older than you are.

3. Non-Invasive Treatment

If you lost teeth due to an illness or injury or had them extracted, getting dentures will not require invasive procedures. By contrast, dental implants take multiple appointments to place, including surgery to insert the posts into the jawbone. Even bridges can require extensive treatment to prepare the surrounding teeth for crowns that support the prosthetic.

4. Removable Appliances

Although bridges and dental implants are very durable, they can’t be removed without a dentist’s help. This can make oral hygiene, particularly gum care, more challenging for some patients. Dentures, on the other hand, are designed for daily removal so you can clean them overnight and focus on protecting your gum tissue.


If you’re ready to get dentures and enjoy smiling once again, Dr. Loker and Dr. Hukill of Bellasera Family Dentistry will provide the compassionate, comprehensive care you need. These Matthews, NC, dentists prioritize patient comfort and stress-free treatment, so they can deliver results that look and feel natural. To learn more about the practice’s staff and treatment options, visit them online. For appointments, call (704) 321-7929.
