
As you age, you need to keep your body healthy by staying active. Physical activity prevents muscles and joints from becoming tight or weak, which can eventually cause physical pain or injuries. Staying active also increases the circulation of blood flow and delivery of nutrients and oxygen. This provides a wealth of health benefits and also prevents the need for medical care.

Why Seniors Should Be Active

1. Engage in a Social Activity

Physical activities like water aerobics, yoga, and hiking are social events that can encourage your loved one to get up and move around. While they’re mingling with other people in the community, they can catch up on social events and get some physical activity in too. This connection with others helps build confidence and keep them motivated and engaged.

2. Improve & Stabilize Mood

medical careWorking out and moving physically releases endorphins and serotonin that helps boost mood. A few classes per week of an activity like swimming, dancing, or yoga can help stabilize mood, and balance energy levels. Increased circulation from cardio exercise also helps adequately deliver nutrients and oxygen around the body and brain giving your loved one all the necessary components of feeling good and energized.

3. Contribute to Physical Well-Being 

Physical activity can help your loved one improve their strength, become more flexible, and increase mobility. This improved physical well-being prevents accidents like falling, which can lead to serious injury and a need for medical care. Increased circulation, improved mood, and balanced energy levels all provide overall health benefits your loved one can appreciate.


You can get quality, affordable medical care with help from The Health Care Center at Longhorn Village in Austin, TX. If your loved one has been injured, the professional staff will provide physical and occupational therapies to help them recover. The facility has a spa room with whirlpools to help soften muscles after treatment and rooms with cable-tv so you can sit and relax. Learn more about the center on their website or call (512) 382-4664 to schedule a tour.
