
Trying to get your car to start only to find your key stuck in position in the ignition? Trying to park your car and realize that your key won’t eject? This is a problem that locksmiths are called to fix frequently. However, before contacting one, try the following to see if it will free your key.

How to Remove a Stuck Key

1. Take Your Car Out of Drive

In automatic transmission vehicles, you can only remove your key if your car is in park or neutral. Therefore, make sure you shifted the car to the correct position before trying the key again.

2. Double-Check Key Orientation

When you turn off your car, the key needs to be turned to the lock position on the ignition for it to disengage. If you were distracted when you were turning off the car, you may not have completed this step. In some cases, where it is caught in an in-between state, it may be necessary to turn the car on and then turn it off again before sliding the key out.

3. locksmithMove the Steering Wheel

Put your left hand on the steering wheel and your right hand on the key. Gently move the steering wheel and try to pull the key out—since a gentle shake is often all that’s needed to loosen it. However, don’t keep pulling if this method doesn’t seem to be working as you risk breaking the key. 

4. Identify the Larger Problem

In some cases, a stuck key is caused by another issue with your car––or with the key itself. First, make sure that the key is not broken in the ignition. If it is, you’re going to need a professional locksmith to remove it. Likewise, a dead car battery may result in a key that seems stuck and won’t turn. A jumpstart and battery replacement are required.


To disengage your key or unlock your car, call One Call Lock & Key, serving Austin, TX, and the surrounding areas. This licensed, insured, and bonded team provides an array of locksmith services, including unlocking your doors, repairing broken locks, and replacing keys—offering 24/7 emergency help. To request their presence, call (512) 353-1112 or learn more about their capabilities on the website.
