
Dental crowns refer to custom prosthetics that are designed to fit over the top portion of a tooth. Typically crafted from specialized porcelain, these devices preserve the natural shape and appearance of damaged teeth, as well as comfortably restore one’s chewing abilities. However, since there are many different types of prosthetics used in restorative and cosmetic dentistry, it’s not always easy to tell when you might need one. To help shed more light on the subject, here are some common reasons that dentists recommend crowns.

Why Your Dentist May Recommend a Dental Crown

1. Cracked or Chipped Teeth

Small chips and cracks can often be repaired using a resin that hardens over a flawed area. However, if the damage is deep, large, or painful, your dentist may recommend a crown to help maintain the structural integrity of the tooth and prevent further discomfort.

2. Large Cavities

When cavities are caught early on, dentists can usually restore them by providing a filling. However, when decay is extensive, dental crowns may be necessary to secure larger fillings in place. The prosthetic can also help conceal noticeable fillings.

3. Root Canals

dentistRoot canal procedures are commonly used to clear infections that affect the interior of the tooth. With this treatment, a dentist will carefully remove infected material from the tooth, clean the area, and seal it using a hard, rubbery substance. When these processes require professionals to drill through the top of the tooth, a crown will typically be placed over this area to preserve the tooth’s structural integrity.

4. Misshapen Teeth

Teeth can develop an improper shape for numerous reasons, such as severe nighttime grinding or genetic factors. While misshapen teeth are rarely problematic, many may prefer to have them covered with a dental crown to maintain an aesthetically pleasing smile.

5. Bridges

Bridges are prosthetic devices that are used to place artificial teeth in areas where natural teeth are missing. These devices are typically anchored into place by attaching them to crowns, which are fastened on top of the healthy teeth that surround the open area.


Whether you’re facing an oral injury or suspect you need a root canal, Tohill Dentistry offers the advanced solutions to restore and protect your smile. Equipped with CEREC® technology, Dr. Taylor Tohill and his team will craft high-quality custom dental crowns on the same day as your initial appointment. And, if a crown isn’t right for your situation, this office can also provide implants, bridges, veneers, and teeth whitening to reconstruct or enhance your smile. To learn more about these capabilities, visit this Somerset, KY, dentist online. For appointments, call (606) 679-4450.
