
Back pain is a common complaint among adults, but getting to the bottom of it can be challenging. This symptom can stem from many different underlying causes and can range in severity from mild to intense. Fortunately, back experts such as chiropractors have diagnostic tactics available to pinpoint what could be causing your discomfort accurately. Before you see a professional, below are a few possible causes to explore.

5 Culprits Behind Persistent Back Pain

1. Arthritis

If your discomfort is concentrated to the lower back, it could be arthritis. The most common type, osteoarthritis, causes the cushiony tissue between joints to wear. The vertebrae then damage and irritate the bones and may create abnormal growths, or bone spurs, which can aggravate nerves.

2. Strain

Back strains can occur in the muscles or ligaments as a result of moving awkwardly or lifting an object that’s too heavy. Overweight individuals may also experience prolonged strain. Heavy lifting or contact sports can also cause torn muscles or tendons, which may lead to back spasms.

3. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that can develop with age and causes bones to become porous and less dense. While it can affect bone tissue anywhere in the body, it’s particularly likely to cause fractures in the spine. Vertebral fractures may lead to immense pain and loss of height.

4. Disk Problems

back painThe tissue between vertebrae are known as disks and are responsible for absorbing shock and providing cushion. These bands of tissue can rupture or bulge as a result of general wear and tear or injury. When this occurs, they can put pressure on nerves, leading to radiating discomfort in the back.

5. Spinal Irregularities

Spinal issues such as scoliosis can affect the curvature of the spine. The condition is commonly diagnosed earlier in life, as it’s typically experienced from birth. Yet, this condition may not produce any painful symptoms until midlife.


No matter your cause for back pain, the team from Brice Accident and Injury Center can help you find relief. Having served the Sand Springs, GA, area for nearly four decades, this team offers superior chiropractic care as well as therapies for acute injuries and chronic pain. To schedule an appointment, call (404) 963-7777.
