
These days, the success of any business depends on staying connected, which means putting a lot of faith in your telephone and internet provider. While big, national companies have the advertising budget and brand name to get your attention, it’s usually smaller, local providers that deliver the best level of service. Below are a few reasons to trust a local business with your phone and internet needs.

Why Use a Local Phone & Internet Provider?

1. More Attentive Service

At a large telecom company with hundreds of millions of customers, you’ll often feel like no more than a number. In fact, if you have a problem with your billing or service, you might never talk to the same person twice.

internet providerHaving a smaller team at a local company works in your favor, giving you the chance to develop a strong working relationship with someone who understands your business.

2. Better Technology & Services

Major phone and internet providers have more resources, but are they investing in your community? In rural areas, local providers are the ones expanding service, installing new fiber-optic cables and delivering the speed and reliability your business needs. While telecom conglomerates are content to let some communities lag behind, smaller companies invest in keeping even rural areas on the cutting edge.

3. Extra Support for Your Business

Local phone and internet providers know that their success depends on a thriving business community, so they often go the extra mile to promote their customers. Some might spotlight new and local businesses or offer special channels dedicated to highlighting the products and services of their clients. Many others throw festivals, sponsor events, and provide targeted advertising based on their understanding of your community.


No matter what industry you’re in, Delhi Telephone Company offers phone and internet services to keep your business connected, with some of the best rates in the industry. They’ve been serving Delaware County, NY, for over 120 years and pride themselves on offering every customer personal service. Visit their website for more on their business telecom services, follow their Twitter to learn more about their community engagement, or call (607) 746-1500 to sign up with the area’s best phone and internet provider.
