
It can be frustrating to experience difficulty hearing. Hearing loss can occur for all sorts of reasons, from external noise to diseases and medical conditions. An audiologist can help you determine the specific cause of your hearing loss, which is crucial to finding the best possible treatment or assistive hearing device.

What Can Cause Hearing Loss?

1. Ménière's Disease

As an inner ear disease, Ménière's can cause hearing loss as well as dizziness. Loss of hearing may be temporary, or it may be permanent, depending on the severity of the disease. It can be caused by a virus, problems with fluid drainage, or as a result of genetics. Medications prescribed by an audiologist can be used to overcome dizziness, while a hearing aid may be necessary to deal with permanent hearing loss. 

2. Certain Medications

Tinnitus causes an intense ringing in the ears, which can sometimes affect a person’s ability to hear. While it has many causes, there are several medications associated with an increased risk. These include certain types of antibiotics, cancer drugs, and aspirin when taken in large quantities. 

3. Loud Noises

audiologist Stow, OHLoud noises are also listed as a cause of tinnitus. Exposure to excessively loud noise can damage the hair cells in the cochlea, as well as damage the auditory nerve. When attending a concert or sporting event where you anticipate loud noises, protect yourself by wearing earplugs.

4. Ear Infections

Ear infections may cause swelling within the ear, which in turn can impede sound from passing through the ear canal. This type of hearing loss is usually temporary, but it’s crucial to seek out treatment for all ear infections to prevent permanent damage from occurring. 


If you experience any degree of hearing loss, a trip to the audiologist is in order. In Stow, OH, Anthony Durig Audiology Inc. provides comprehensive hearing exams to get to the bottom of the issue. From there, they can recommend an assistive hearing device best suited to your needs, including state-of-the-art devices that offer both function and comfort. Call (330) 688-4115 today to schedule an initial appointment or visit them on Facebook for more information. 
