
If you want to expand your flavor palette, it may be time to add some heat into your food. Some people avoid dishes, like tacos, because they’re worried about being overwhelmed by spices; however, most people can safely enjoy a little kick in their meals. To better enjoy your next meal, follow the below suggestions.

3 Tips to Enjoy Spicy Food

1. Take Baby Steps

The key to successful spice tolerance is gradual integration. Start with familiar dishes you enjoy and slowly add more black pepper, garlic, or red pepper flakes. Keep your main dish unaltered while you experiment with other meal components, like sides and sauces. This allows you to add a kick that won’t dominate the dish.

2. Use the Science

tacosThe more you eat spicy foods, the more your brain adjusts to the sensation. Another way to minimize the effect of heat is with coolants like sugar, dairy, and citrus fruits. The mouth’s nerve receptors are suppressed by frequent, short-term exposure to capsaicin, the chemical in peppers and spices, so eating spicy food regularly trains your brain to notice it less. In other words, eating more tacos will help you build spice tolerance.

3. Create a Buddy System

Positive encouragement can go a long way when you’re ready to try something new. Invite some friends to go out for tacos, and alternate between mild and spicy ones. The warm social environment distracts your mind from focusing too much on the spice, and the cocktails don’t hurt either.


For authentic Mexican food for every palette, hurry to The Taco Spot in Chandler, AZ, a popular family-friendly champion of fresh ingredients and excellent service. Get your tacos a la carte or as a meal, and don’t forget to check out the specialty cocktails. They’re open for lunch and dinner, so check out their menu online or call them at (480) 238-1251 to book your table.