
As a motorcycle rider, your risk of injury is greater than someone driving a car, so it’s important to know how to file a successful accident claim. While you will want to consult an accident lawyer, there are other steps you should take immediately after an accident that will help your claim. The overview below outlines what you can do to ensure your claim is more successful.

4 Steps You Should Take After an Accident

1. Assess the Scene

The first step you should take after a motorcycle accident is to assess your own physical condition. Determine how injured you are and whether or not you can move about. If you can move, try to determine if anyone else is injured and, if so, evaluate the severity of their injuries. This will help you provide the 911 dispatcher with more accurate information, so the proper first responders can be sent to the scene.

2. Collect Evidence

There’s a great deal of evidence you can and should collect for your accident lawyer before the scene is disrupted. To begin, collect the names and contact information from other drivers, passengers, and witnesses to the accident. Don’t forget to trade auto insurance information with the other driver. You should also take pictures of the damages to your motorcycle and get pictures of the license plates of every vehicle involved in the accident.

3. Call Your Insurance Agent 

Accident LawyerWhile your accident lawyer can help you obtain a fair settlement, you shouldn’t delay calling your insurance company. By notifying them about the accident as soon as possible, you can ensure you’ll receive a settlement offer that much sooner. As you talk to the insurance agent, be honest and describe the accident in detail, but do not admit fault. Once you admit fault to anyone, your injury attorney will have a harder time obtaining fair compensation for you.

4. Seek Medical Attention 

Even if you don’t think you’ve been injured, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Some injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries and spine damage, can take time to manifest symptoms. Additionally, delaying treatment can suggest that your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. That can make it harder for your injury lawyer to get you the compensation you need to recover.


After getting the proper medical treatment, you should consult an accident lawyer about your motorcycle accident. Peck & Peck Attorneys at Law can negotiate a fair settlement for you. The Hartford, CT, law firm has more than 35 years of experience, and they’re skilled at negotiating with insurance companies. To obtain a free case evaluation, schedule an appointment online, or call (860) 236-4782.
