
Algebra is an advanced form of math that uses letters or symbols to represent numbers. This form of math is important for numerous aspects of life, and it’s also a topic that many students have trouble with during math class. Struggling with a course in school causes many students to lose interest, but one way to keep your child engaged is by teaching them the following history behind algebra and why it’s important.

A Brief History of Algebra

While the exact founder of this form of math is often disputed, the title of “father of algebra” is often attributed to Diophantus of Alexandria, who lived in the third century. He completed his seminal book on the subject, Arithmetica, around 250 A.D. However, basic algebra was known by many cultures long before then, including in ancient Egypt, Babylon, and China. After Diophantus’s death, the progress of the system of formulas and equations slowed drastically until the 16th century.

It was then that France’s Rene Descartes came up with a breakthrough that revolutionized algebra by using it in conjunction with geometry to solve complex problems. He was also the person who started using letters to represent different types of quantities. By 1799, algebra had entered its modern phase. People started using it to study abstract mathematical systems like algebraic groups and quaternions, in addition to solving polynomial equations.

How Algebra Is Beneficial in Modern Life

Math ClassWhile some students view it as just a difficult math class, the subject is widely beneficial in today’s world. It is a perfect way to master the skills required for logical thinking, which helps you break down and solve problems encountered in day-to-day life. Doing well in algebra also sets you up for success later. Students have to demonstrate a level of proficiency in the subject for standard testing, which is why it’s so heavily focused on by SAT tutors.

Algebra is also required for anyone looking to enter into statistics or calculus, which are needed for jobs in the technological sector. The Internet, cellular devices, and television systems are all based on these advanced forms of mathematics.

The Mathnasium @ Home program not only provides help with algebra, but also offers advanced algebra courses for those preparing for honors algebra as their next class or algebra 2.


Help your child ace their algebra math class with tutoring services at Mathnasium @ Home program in South Windsor, CT. No matter how your child is struggling with the subject, their team of highly trained math tutors can help. They’ll work with them to create a personalized plan and foster their educational growth through encouragement and a nurturing environment. Get in touch by calling (860) 432-7794 or visit them online to learn more about their services.