
A form of alternative medicine practiced for thousands of years by ancient Chinese physicians, cupping therapy has seen a recent rise in popularity among followers of naturopathic medicine who find it helps certain ailments and health conditions. While research is still being conducted on its benefits, many individuals have turned to the practice for its relaxation perks alone. If you're considering this treatment, below is a guide to its history and potential health advantages.

What Is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy starts by placing cups made of glass, bamboo, earthenware, or silicone on the skin. This creates suction to help facilitate healing through increased blood circulation in the area where the cups are. Originating in China, many Taoists believe that cupping can help balance the body's natural yin and yang, helping with pathogen resistance and pain reduction.

Types of Cupping

cupping therapyModern cupping therapy typically comes in two main forms; wet and dry. In both procedures, a cupping therapist will use herbs, paper, or alcohol to create a small fire within the cup. As the fire goes out, they will place the cup upside down on your skin.

When the air inside cools down, it creates a vacuum that causes your skin to rise as the blood vessels expand. They repeat this with several cups on the affected area. Wet cupping differs in that, after the initial cupping treatment, your therapist will make several small cuts to the treated area before re-applying the cups to further draw out toxins.

What Conditions Can Cupping Treat?

Itis most commonly used to ease conditions that create muscle aches and pains. Many cupping therapists use cupping as a form of acupressure, placing cups on known acupressure points to treat skin conditions, digestive issues, fertility disorders, and blood disorders, such as anemia and hemophilia. 


For cupping therapy, contact the professionals at Avicenna Acupuncture & Lymphedema Clinic in Wheat Ridge, CO. For years, their skilled, professional doctors have provided alternative medical treatments designed to promote a happier and healthier lifestyle for their patients using beneficial cupping therapy and acupuncture in a comfortable environment. Contact them today at (303) 803-0675 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
