
Mobile home rentals are becoming a popular alternative to conventional homes, as they cost less per square foot and provide a comparable level of comfort. However, like houses, they also need maintenance. Consider the following and schedule the necessary work to ensure your mobile home stays in excellent condition.

How to Care for Your Mobile Home Rental

1. Home Leveling

mobile home rentalSince mobile homes don’t have a foundation, they may become uneven over time. You might start to have difficulty shutting the doors and windows. If this becomes an issue, have the property manager bring in a professional to ensure the structure is level.

2. Skirting Repairs

The materials around the base of the home serve as insulation and protection against pests. Securing repairs the moment you spot a hole or a crack could preserve the structure’s integrity and prevent pest infestations from affecting your living space.

3. Pull Weeds

Weeds have a tendency to grow rapidly. Allowing these to hang around for too long could increase moisture levels and create an ideal environment for mold. Inspect the perimeter of the home at least once or twice a month and pull any unwanted growths to improve the aesthetic appeal of your home and reduce the potential for rot. 

4. Seal Cracks

Since mobile homes are known to shift, air leaks are a common issue, which can cause temperature fluctuations. Check each door frame and window frame for cracks at least once a year. If you can feel a breeze, caulk the opening to preserve energy-efficiency.


Find a home that suits your needs by working with David McDonald Rentals in Hinesville, GA. This family-owned property management company has more than 160 rental properties available, including double- and single-wide mobile home rentals as well as an assortment of homes and duplexes. The online portal increases convenience by allowing tenants to submit maintenance requests and pay their bills anytime. For additional information on the rental homes, visit their website. Call (912) 368-9218 to set up an appointment.
