
A healthy diet can help you improve heart function, fight off disease, and lose or maintain an adequate body weight. However, many people have multiple daily commitments and tight schedules, which makes eating healthy more difficult. Luckily, there are plenty of simple changes you can make to enjoy the benefits of healthy eating. Whether you opt for prepared meals or want to make small changes to your current habits, here are some important factors to keep in mind.

How to Improve Your Diet

1. Base Your Daily Calorie Intake on Lifestyle

Calories are a unit of energy that every food contains. Everyone requires a different amount each day to support their body and activity level. Those who lead active lifestyles are likely to need more calories than those who don’t due to exercise and movement using calories as fuel. For those who are looking to lose weight, it’s important to burn off more calories than you take in each day through physical activity — burning extra calories means your body uses stored fat as fuel rather than the food you consumed.

To determine how many calories you should get each day, keep track of your daily meals and activity levels to find the right balance.

2. Cut Down on Sugar, Salt, & Saturated Fat

prepared mealsIt’s fine to enjoy the foods you love in moderation. However, many Americans include too much sodium, added sugar, and saturated fat in their diets because of the high amount of processed foods available. These ingredients can contribute to high blood pressure and risk for heart disease and obesity without adding essential nutrients.

Try to avoid processed foods like chips and cookies, and opt for grains, nuts, and produce when possible. Check nutrition labels on your prepared meals and grocery purchases to try to keep these ingredients to a minimum.

3. Vary Your Meals

There isn’t a single food group that contains all the nutrients you need to maintain optimal health. As such, varying your diet can help you get all the vitamins, minerals, protein, and carbohydrates your body needs. Try incorporating multiple food groups in every meal, and include plenty of whole foods in every color of the rainbow. Berries, bell peppers, spinach, quinoa, beans, and tomatoes are all amazing, colorful sources of nutrients.


If you’re looking for prepared meals to help you eat healthier while also managing a busy lifestyle, Cibo Meals in Denver, CO, will help. The meal delivery service offers multiple creative vegetarian meals every week. They include fresh and delicious ingredients so you can enjoy a variety of healthy options without having to cook or resort to unhealthy fast food or carryout options. The company also offers catering services for special events. Visit their website to place an order, or call (720) 530-3140 to request more information on their offerings.
