
Cats are excellent at covering up health issues. They can be challenging to detect as a pet owner, which is why you need to recognize symptoms. Ear problems are a common issue. Familiarize yourself with the following conditions to ensure your furry friend receives timely care.

Common Ear Problems Among Felines

1. Infections

Foreign bodies and bacteria can enter your cat’s ears and lead to infections. They usually begin in the outer ear. Fungal infections can form and result in red, swollen ears. There may be discharge and strong odor.

When untreated, infections move to the middle and then the inner ear. If swelling and discharge aren’t visible, your cat may rub their ears often or shake their head to manage the discomfort. With severe infections, cats may become lethargic, lose their appetite, and have trouble hearing and with balance. Symptoms will only worsen, which is why a veterinarian must address these ear problems.

2. Ear Mites

ear problemsEar mites are tiny parasites that live around your cat’s ears and feed on skin cells. They’re usually passed from another cat and can create constant discomfort. Your cat will scratch its ears often, and when untreated, the mites will keep breeding.

Most veterinarians manage ear mites with a topical cream. If they move into the ear, a veterinarian may prescribe medication to eliminate the issue.

3. Allergies

Cats can have allergies like humans, and their symptoms may manifest around the ears. There can be swelling, discharge, and redness. If you notice these symptoms, have your cat tested for allergies, so the issue doesn’t happen again. Most allergies have a connection to food. A veterinarian can recommend specialty or hypoallergenic cat foods that are safe.


If your cat is dealing with ear problems, contact Veterinary Dermatology Services in Cincinnati, OH. Serving Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southern Indiana, the board-certified dermatologist Patrick T. Breen, DVM, ACVD, leads this practice. Dr. Breen takes a personalized approach to pet dermatology and care and will test your pet for allergies. He can then provide guidance and treatment options to ensure your pet stays healthy. Call (513) 489-4644 to schedule allergy consulting, and visit their website to learn more about the practice.1
