
If you’re like most people, you have massive amounts of spam and junk email cluttering up your inbox. While clearing out unwanted emails is beneficial in this case, you can also take steps to prevent even more from piling up. Even if you have efficient IT support at your place of work, the following steps can also help you handle the problem. 

How Can I Keep Spam & Junk Emails Out of My Inbox?

1. Keep Your Email Address Private

There may be times where you’re prompted to publish an email address. While it may seem like a convenient option, especially when you’re trying to connect with customers, it can also leave you vulnerable to tons of unwanted emails.

2. Download an App

There are plenty of apps that can help you get your inbox organized, many of which are free of charge. Some allow you to easily organize and streamline your emails, while others provide a temporary email address so you can read messages to determine whether they are spam. 

3. Be Careful About Which Emails You Open

IT supportAll suspicious emails should be sent to the recycle bin before they’re ever opened. This is because some emails contain tracking mechanisms, which alert the sender that the address is currently in use. That means you could be host to many more unwanted emails in the future. 

4. Mark Unwanted Emails as Spam

You must first know the difference between it and an unwanted email. Spam is any email that you receive that you did not solicit, such as those from a third party who received your address nefariously. It is not any email you receive after providing your address to a company, even if you provided your address for a different purpose. To properly deal with true spam, mark every single email that crossed into your inbox as spam so the filters can work more efficiently.


Email is an essential tool for every office. So is reliable IT support, which is just one of the many fantastic services provided by Intellicom in Kearney, NE. This includes managed monthly services to prevent problems before they ever start, infrastructure expansion, and VoIP technology. They also believe in personalized plans for their clients for the best results. Call (308) 237-0684 today to learn more about IT support and other services. You can also see the full listing by visiting the website
