
Wisdom teeth are common causes of crowding and other oral health issues during early adulthood. If they don’t have enough room to grow, extractions are almost always necessary. If you think you may soon need this procedure, use the following guide to prepare and understand the process.

What to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Why do wisdom teeth have to be removed?

Also known as the third molars, these teeth are the last to erupt. Most patients notice them around ages 17 to 25. Some people have two wisdom teeth, others four. People can even be born without them.

They don’t always have to be removed. However, if there isn’t enough space in the mouth, they may become impacted. This means they erupt in improper positions, which can lead to misalignments and damage to the surrounding teeth and gum tissue.

How do I know if mine need to be removed?

extraction-homerIf you notice your third molars erupting, let your dentist know. They may use X-rays to see if there’s enough room for the teeth to come out.

Sensitivity in the area is also a sign you may need them removed. If the back of your mouth becomes swollen, bleeds, or causes pain, you may need an extraction.

Is the extraction painful?

The process is quick and easy. The dentist will first numb the area. If the tooth is exposed, they’ll wiggle it loose with a pair of forceps and easily slip it out. Otherwise, they’ll make small incisions. 

Most patients only report feeling pressure during the process. It may also be possible to receive general anesthesia so you’re unconscious during the appointment. 

What’s recovery like?

Plan on resting when you first get home. Take any pain medications your dentist prescribed, and stick to soft foods, such as soups and smoothies.

Avoid using straws or smoking while the surgical areas are open. These actions may pull the blood clots loose and cause uncomfortable dry sockets. You can manage any swelling with a cold compress. The recovery process typically takes around three to four days.


Ready to schedule a wisdom tooth extraction? Preventive Dental Services PC of Homer, AK, welcomes patients of all ages. Their skilled team handles general, cosmetic, and emergency dental services. They provide compassionate, high-quality care and aim to educate patients in a friendly manner. Call (907) 235-1286 to schedule an exam or learn more about tooth extractions on their website
