
If you love cheeseburgers, try your hand at competing in a burger-eating contest. While this challenge may seem daunting, there are many ways you can train to prepare your mind and body for the event. Here are a few tips to give you an edge over the competition.

How to Prepare for a Burger-Eating Contest

1. Train With Burgers

If you’ll be eating cheeseburgers with special condiments at the contest, train your tastebuds and stomach by eating burgers with the same toppings. This preparation technique will help your body adapt to all the ingredients you’ll eat during the event. Additionally, training with the competition food will help you figure out the fastest way to consume the dish.

2. Expand Your Stomach

cheeseburgersBurger-eating contests will involve consuming significant quantities of food, and you’ll need a large stomach capacity to win. This quality can be achieved, as the stomach is an elastic organ. A few weeks before the competition, start eating bigger meals and drinking plenty of water.

When you begin this training, opt for foods that are low in calories and high in fiber, like cabbage, grapes, and watermelon. These foods are easily-digestible and will pass through your body quickly.

3. Learn How to Eat Faster

Speed eating is a skill you can learn. Hold your head up while you eat because this will keep your throat open and make it easier for you to swallow. Hunching over your food will have the opposite effect. You should also train yourself to chew quickly, so you can swallow food faster. To do this, focus on taking smaller, quicker bites. You can also chew gum when you aren’t eating to strengthen the jaw muscles.


If you think you have what it takes to win a burger-eating contest, prove it by entering the annual competition on Oct. 3, 2020. Hosted by Maui Burgers in Kihei, this contest is free to register and welcomes challengers who are 18-years-old and older. Get more information about the contest online, or call (808) 419-6389 to place an order for the cheeseburgers you’ll be eating.
