
When temperatures start to drop significantly, you may be tempted to stay indoors. However, with the right clothing and accessories, you don’t have to give up your normal daily activities while you wait for warmer weather. Use these cold-weather dressing tips to choose the right outfit this winter.

How to Dress for the Cold

1. Hats

hatYou’ll feel much warmer if you add a winter hat to your cold-weather ensemble. Choose a stylish cap that also keeps your head fully covered and traps heat.

Opt for a hat made from heavy knit material such as qiviut, which is the soft downy material underneath the wool of the musk ox. This material is eight times warmer than wool and is perfect for the coldest winter days.

2. Scarves & Stoles

Another area that will allow a significant amount of heat to escape if left uncovered is your neck. Prevent your body heat from escaping by wrapping a warm scarf or stole around your throat. These winter accessories come in many styles and colors that will perfectly complement your favorite cold-weather outfits. Choose one made from qiviut or wool for the best results.

3. Layers

Another way to make sure you stay warm and cozy throughout cold winter days is to dress in multiple layers. Start with a base of long underwear or leggings and a moisture-wicking undershirt under your normal outfit for an added layer of warmth. Build more layers of fleece, wool, or flannel to keep you cozy in frigid temperatures and finish the outfit with a weatherproof coat.


Find the perfect cold-weather accessories for the Alaskan winter by shopping the products available from Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ Co-Operative in Anchorage, AK. This co-op is owned by 250 Native Alaskan women who make all of the qiviut products available in the shop by hand. Each piece is completely unique and offers a special touch to your winter ensembles. Find a full list of the available products online or ask about their selection by calling (907) 272-9225.
