
As far as pests go, raccoons can be some of the trickiest to outsmart. For this reason, you’ll likely need the help of pest control experts if you spot these nocturnal creatures on your property. To provide insight into their unusual behaviors, review some fascinating facts about raccoons below.

Interesting Facts About Raccoons

1. Their Population Has Drastically Increased

Despite the destruction of their natural habitat, raccoon populations have increased across North America. This is largely because, similar to cockroaches, raccoons are highly adaptable pests. They'll forage and fend for themselves regardless of the environment they're put in. In residential areas, they'll scavenge for leftovers in trash cans. In a more wild habitat, such as the forest, they'll devour everything from fruits and nuts to insects and birds.

2. Their Hands Function Like Eyes

pest controlWhile raccoons have poor eyesight and are color blind, their hands make up for these shortcomings. Their front paws contain fine-tuned sensory receptors that enable them to distinguish between different objects without needing to see them, which is especially useful at night. If you ever notice a raccoon wetting its paws, this is to help them obtain additional sensory information from their environment.

3. They’re Highly Intelligent

Although monkeys and apes are ranked directly below humans in terms of their IQ level, raccoons aren't far behind. In fact, they far outsmart the majority of mammals on the mammal IQ scale. Also, not only are raccoons highly intelligent, but their intelligence evolves over time. Studies have demonstrated that raccoons can store information and remember solutions to problems to solve them more quickly in the future.


Given their ever-growing populations, high intelligence, and keen ability to get into your trash, you’ll likely want to get rid of these pests if they’re on your property. If you have a raccoon infestation or are concerned that you might soon, the pest control experts at Acme Pest Control Co in Concord, NC, can help. With 70 years of industry experience, they specialize in both residential and commercial pest control, providing everything from roach control to radon testing and rodent removal. To schedule one of their affordable pest control services, call (704) 786-4166. For more information about their services, visit them online.
