
While they’re highly effective for straightening teeth, braces can cause discomfort from time to time. Fortunately, there are many fast and easy methods that can offer relief from oral pain caused by the metal wires. Here are just a few. 

5 Ways to Ease Discomfort Caused by Braces

1. Rinse With Salt Water

Salt water rinses kill bacteria, reduce swelling, and ease pain. Add ½ a teaspoon of table salt to one cup of water. Swish the rinse around your mouth before spitting it into the sink. It’s typically safe to do so up to four times a day but check with your dentist first. 

2. Apply Dental Wax

bracesDental wax can be applied to the parts of your braces that make contact with your mouth. Take a small piece of the dental wax provided by your dentist and place it on the braces anywhere you feel pain. 

3. Take an Over-the-Counter Pain Medication

There are plenty of medications available at your pharmacy that can help ease the pain and discomfort caused by your braces. While most are safe to take occasionally, check with your doctor if you find yourself taking these medications frequently. Also, make sure to eat a meal or snack before taking a pill. 

4. Use Topical Pain Relief

Oral numbing agents can be applied directly to sore spots in the mouth for immediate relief. Make sure your hands and fingers are clean before applying topical gels, or you run the risk of transferring germs on your hand to your mouth. 

5. Look for Lip Bumpers

Lip protectors, which are sometimes referred to as lip bumpers, can be worn over braces to shield the inside of your mouth from pain and discomfort. You can usually find lip protectors online or at most pharmacies. 


Oahu Dental Care is happy to help patients deal with any discomfort caused by braces. Along with providing helpful tips, these skilled dentists also offer services like dental exams and cleanings, cosmetic whitening, and restorative procedures to bring back your beautiful smile. On Oahu, HI, patients can schedule an appointment at the Pearl City or Honolulu office. Call (808) 456-5005 for more information or visit the website to learn more about their services. 
