
The winter elements can have a significant impact on your roofing. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with common winter roofing issues so that you can stay ahead of any structural problems. When unchecked, they can cause severe damage to your interior and result in skyrocketing utility bills. Pay attention to the following concerns and work with a residential roofer to avoid costly problems.

A Guide to Winter Roofing Problems

1. Snow Leaks

The smallest perforation in your roofing will allow water to leak in. Over time, it can rot attic flooring, lead to mold growth, and cause severe structural damage. It’s wise to schedule an inspection before the chance of significant snowfall. A residential roofer will take a close look at weak areas and patch existing holes. If they find larger holes or weak areas, they may provide a temporary fix and recommend a roof replacement or re-roofing come spring.

2. Ice Dams

residential-roofer-new-richmondIce dams occur during rapid freeze/thaw cycles. As the ice melts and runs down the flashing to your gutters, the water will freeze again if the gutters are packed with debris. Continued freeze/thaw cycles will eventually form a large ice dam at the edge of your roofing, trapping water on the roof. Constant water exposure can damage shingles, and the added weight can loosen gutters and strain roof decking. Stay ahead of the problem by regularly cleaning your gutters and removing ice and snow as they form.

3. Storm Damage

Heavy winter winds can dislodge shingles, damage gutters, and turn tree limbs and other debris into projectiles. All of these can crash into roofing and cause leaks. While you can’t control the wind, you can schedule tree trimming to remove potential hazards. A residential roofer can also look for weak shingles and other issues that may contribute to wind-related damage and replace them before the weather become severe.


If you’re overdue for a roof inspection, contact a residential roofer at DC Roofing Inc. This New Richmond, WI, roofing contractor serves both homeowners and commercial clients. They’re backed by over 20 years of experience and proudly maintain an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau®. You can explore their full scope of services on their website or call (715) 377-6714 today to schedule an inspection.
