
As a homeowner, it’s important to protect not only your property but the people that it houses. However, even if you have a security alarm system in place, it might not be providing the services your property needs. Here are three red flags that it’s time to make a system upgrade.

When to Update Your Home Security

1. You’ve Run Out of Updates

Just like your smartphone and laptop, your alarm system relies on manufacturer updates that improve functionality and efficiency. However, with new models invented every year, the manufacturer will eventually stop making updates to its oldest devices.

If your system has no more software updates to load, it’s out-of-date and easier for intruders to hack into. To truly protect your house, upgrade to a new and optimized system.

2. You’re Still Relying on Wires

You probably don’t own a wired telephone or computer mouse anymore—so why are you still using a wired security alarm system?

If an intruder wants to break this line of defense, all they have to do is snip a cable. Plus, wired systems are more susceptible to water damage and pest infestations. Modern systems have all made the switch to wireless, which makes for a seamless, safe connection.

security alarm3. You Can’t View Your Property Remotely

Your security alarm system keeps track of doors and windows that are opened. It may even track motion or record video footage inside and around your home.

Modern systems now allow for remote monitoring, which allows you to view live footage and entry/exit records from your laptop or smartphone. This way, you can alert your family to danger or call law enforcement if you suspect criminal activity when you’re on vacation or at work.


If you’re eager to update your security alarm system, reach out to Herrick’s Security Service of Lincoln, NE. Whether you’re looking for a basic home alarm or an elaborate surveillance system, you can choose from top-tier brands like Honeywell® and Speco®. Call (402) 730-4373 to learn more about their inventory and arrange for an estimate.
