
Temporary stress, nervousness, or boredom commonly lead to bad oral habits that have permanent effects on teeth. Repeatedly putting force on teeth makes them vulnerable to chips, fractures, nerve damage, and gum disease. While minor cases may be repaired with a mouth guard or tooth filling, the best solution is to cease all harmful habits.

3 Bad Dental Habits to Avoid

1. Grinding & Clenching Your Teeth

Many people unknowingly practice these habits at night while they sleep. Over time, grinding and clenching your teeth may cause jaw pain, or the teeth may crack under the pressure. Since most people can’t control these habits, dentists recommend using a custom-fitted mouthguard to protect teeth from wear. Nighttime relaxation therapies can also help relieve these tendencies.

2. Brushing Too Hard

gum diseaseIntense brushing can cause gum recession, exposing sensitive tooth roots. If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, ask your dentist for recommendations on desensitizing dental products. Rough brushing can also wear the protective enamel, leaving you more susceptible to oral issues, like cavities and gum disease. Always use a brush with soft bristles and alert your dentist if you see blood in the sink when rinsing.

3. Chewing Gum

Chewing gum in excess can cause soreness, clicking, or popping in the jaw. You may also experience orthodontic issues, as chewing persistently thrusts the tongue forward, causing shifting in the mouth and tooth misalignment. If you want to freshen your breath after meals, pop a sugar-free mint or quickly brush your teeth.


If you want more tips on how you can protect your smile, contact the team at the Aina Haina Dental Group, Inc., on Oahu, HI. These professionals welcome patients of all ages, and they’ve offered everyone attentive dental care since 1976. They’ll spot early signs of decayed teeth, gum disease, and enamel wear and provide you with tips on how you can prevent the issue from worsening. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 373-2184 to schedule an appointment.
