
If your puppy gets stressed out while you’re away from home, they may be experiencing separation anxiety, and you’re certain to be feeling sympathy. Common symptoms of this issue in young dogs include pacing, panting, and excessive barking or howling. They may also engage in destructive behaviors, such as chewing on furniture and scratching doors and windows. Veterinarians see a lot of pups that have trouble being separated from their humans, so it’s not a rare situation. Fortunately, there are ways you can help them feel better.

4 Tips for Relieving Separation Anxiety in Puppies

1. Don’t Make a Big Fuss Out of Arrivals & Departures

While it can be tempting to smother your puppy with attention the second you get home, resist the urge. If you don’t make a big deal out of each arrival and departure, it tells your puppy that being apart isn’t such a big deal. Try to wait at least five minutes before you pet your puppy with excitement.

2. Make Sure They Get Exercise

veterinarianRegular exercise will help your puppy maintain a healthy weight and work out some of their pent-up energy. If you go for a walk before you leave the house, they’ll be more likely to calm down and relax while you're away.

3. Leave Them Alone for Short Periods

To get your puppy used to spending time apart from you, leave them alone for very short periods of time and gradually increase the amount of time you’re gone. To lessen some anxiety, give them a treat right before you leave. That way, your puppy will come to associate your leaving with a reward, which may foster better behavior.

4. Talk to a Veterinarian

If your puppy continues to exhibit separation anxiety, consult with your veterinarian about other options. They may be able to prescribe medication, such as alprazolam, that relieves anxiety. Together, you can figure out a solution to the problem and help your pup feel safe when you’re not at home.


If you have additional questions about separation anxiety in puppies, turn to Westside Veterinary Hospital in Statesboro, GA. The veterinarian has more than 25 years of experience in the field and can treat dogs of all sizes and breeds. From routine checkups to vaccinations and surgeries, the animal clinic provides a wide range of services at affordable prices. For more information about the animal hospital, call (912) 489-1998 or visit their website.
