
If you live in an older home, you may notice common issues over time. From deteriorated building materials to worn out residential systems, there are several features of your property you’ll need to repair or replace. Here are a few building restoration projects to prioritize. 

What to Prioritize During Old Home Renovations

1. Roofing

The average roof lasts approximately 30 years. Once it reaches or exceeds its life span, you might observe cracked or missing shingles, dislodged flashing, warping, caving, punctures, or leaks. Thus, if you notice these issues, schedule a roofing replacement. When deciding on a new material, consider metal, as it’s fire-resistant, energy-efficient, and low weight, protecting the structural integrity.   

2. HVAC System

build restorationHVAC systems have a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years. Older heating and cooling units often break down frequently and run inefficiently, resulting in higher monthly energy bills. To save on your bills, upgrade to a zoned, ductless system that permits you to fine-tune the temperature in each room. 

3. Insulation

Older homes typically do not have adequate insulation, or the materials may have deteriorated over time. Hire a contractor to add insulation to the basement, crawl spaces, walls, and attic to prevent drafts and humidity, maintain comfortable temperatures, and keep your HVAC system from overworking. 

4. Windows 

Many older homes have single-pane windows that don’t offer much protection from the elements. During your build restoration, replace your windows with double- or triple-paned glass with low-E coatings and argon gas fillings to maximize your home’s efficiency and prevent heat transfer. 


When you’re ready to breathe new life into your home, get in touch with Bulldog Contractors. This roofing, window, gutter, siding, and insulation contractor offers complete build restoration services to customers throughout Minnesota, Colorado, and Texas. Call (612) 799-8707 to request an estimate on your project and book an appointment. Visit the website to learn more about their many services. 
