
If you were hurt due to the negligence or recklessness of another person, you can file a personal injury suit against them. Before doing so, though, you’ll want to hire an attorney to represent your needs. The following questions will help guide the interview process to ensure the best results.

What to Ask When Interviewing a Potential Personal Injury Lawyer

What are your practice areas?

It’s common for law firms to manage a variety of legal practices, whether it’s bankruptcy or estate planning. However, opting for an attorney who solely focuses on personal injury offers a host of advantages. Because these lawyers don’t need to memorize or understand the statutes and practices associated with numerous cases, they will have honed skills and an intimate understanding of this umbrella of the law. This allows them to provide counsel and strategies based on years of focused expertise.

What types of cases have you handled?

personal injuryWithin the umbrella of personal injury law are numerous types of cases. These may include car accidents, workers’ compensation, medical malpractice, defective products, or slip-and-fall accidents. Understanding which of these cases your lawyer has experience with will help to determine if they’re equipped to represent your needs.

Do you allow for a contingency fee?

Many personal injury lawyers opt to forgo an upfront charge for their services. Instead, they might choose to deduct a portion of the compensation provided from the lawsuit. This method of payment is known as a contingency fee and is often favorable because it guarantees the victim won’t lose any money if the case is successful. 

How often do your cases make it to trial?

It’s common for attorneys to push for cases to settle outside of trial to spare their clients the stress and time of going in front of a judge. Finding out how often your attorney goes to trial will give you a better sense of their bargaining and negotiation skills. 


If you’re seeking a personal injury lawyer to help recover compensation for your damages, turn to Coyne, Cundiff & Hillemann, P.C. in St. Charles County, MO. With more than 75 years of combined experience, they have the expertise and insight needed to help obtain the most favorable outcome. Call (636) 561-5599 to schedule a consultation, and visit them online to learn more about their practice.
