
Owning a classic car means owning a piece of history. However, many of these vehicles wear down over time. If you want to enjoy the experience of owning an old car, work with an auto restoration shop to bring it back to its former glory. If you have questions about this process, below are a few essentials you should know.

Answers to Auto Restoration Questions for Classic Car Owners

What are the benefits of restoring a classic car?

Auto restoration can improve the look, feel, and functionality of your vehicle. Depending on its condition, it may end up looking brand new, but with a classic style. Restoration can also increase the value, though this varies from car to car.

What does the auto restoration process include?

auto restorationThe exact steps will differ depending on the quality of each vehicle. However, the car is commonly dismantled so that each part can be repaired, painted, or polished. This includes everything from the body to the engine and transmission to the interior seats. Then, mechanics reassemble the renewed parts.

How long does auto restoration take?

This also varies depending on the condition of the vehicle. However, owners should prepare for several months to more than a year. You don’t want to rush and end up with a vehicle that still has underlying problems. Sometimes, you can do the restoration in phases, so you can save money to work on different aspects of the car.

How can you tell if a classic car needs restoration?

It’s challenging to tell by looking at a vehicle what restoration is necessary or beneficial. You may need to remove certain parts and inspect them to get a better idea, such as engine components and interior finishes. Take your car to a restoration professional, so they can see its condition and recommend services.


If you’re interested in auto restoration for your classic car, Lo-Man Rods LLC, in Tipp City, OH, can help. The team of technicians has more than 160 years of combined experience serving car enthusiasts throughout the Tri-State area. They can fabricate custom auto parts, repair dents, and perform full auto body repair to ensure that your classic car meets your high standards. Visit the company’s website to see examples of past projects. To speak with a technician about your vehicle, call (937) 679-5140.
