
While your business’ employees work hard throughout the week, they’re counting on the office HVAC system to do the same. Without reliable clean air, allergy and asthma symptoms flare up, colds worsen, and more people have to call out sick. For a healthier office and optimized productivity, it’s crucial to change the AC filter regularly. Learn more about when to change yours below.

A Guide to Commercial AC Maintenance

How Often to Change the Office AC Filter

In a high-traffic environment like an office building, you can’t get away with changing your air filters at the same rate as at home. Office managers should be swapping out filters every two months. However, there are a few factors that can influence this frequency.

acFor example, if you work at a small startup with only a few employees, you might be able to adjust your schedule to every three months. If you work at a larger firm or industrial factory with dozens of employees, check on the filter’s progress every month. When pollen rates are high, such as in the fall and spring, replace the filter more often to minimize allergic reactions throughout the office.

What Are Signs the Filter Needs to Be Changed?

If there are certain seasons or business demands that cause a change in your office’s air quality, make note and check the AC filter every couple of weeks during those times. For instance, If you’re packing holiday presents for clients or manufacturing a new product, there might be more dust or paper particles floating around. Or, if you see a larger number of employees calling out sick, dirty filters could be to blame.

Another red flag is an unusually high energy bill—this could mean that the filter is clogged with contaminants. This inhibits airflow, causing your HVAC system to use more energy to do the same amount of work.


If you need an AC specialist to help you manage your filter replacement and HVAC maintenance schedule, reach out to Cornerstone Air Conditioning in Honolulu, HI. They know how important cool air can be to corporate life on the Islands, which is why they focus on increasing efficiency and lowering operating costs year-round. Call them at (808) 847-3639 for 24-hour on-call service and a free estimate. To learn more about their offerings, visit their website.
